
Phone: +55 51 2500.5010



Mercoaves is the exclusive distributor in Brazil of the Bovans White and Isa Brown breeds and world leaders in sales. Its products undergo an intense genetic work and have excellent results in the field, meeting all the needs that the farmer and end consumer have.

Day-old chicks

This is the end product of a lot of careful work in management, nutrition, health, transportation, etc.


We provide pullets at the age that the customer needs, while keeping to all the technical and veterinary standards and precautions required.

Fertile eggs

Coming straight from the breeder farms in the various producing regions, these eggs follow the line's quality standard and have excellent hatching rates. The decentralization of the production ensures an egg within the technical and sanitary standards required.


Mercoaves manufactures its own feed with the help of nutritionists who are always attentive to the innovations in better efficiency of the animals. The feed used in our production is the same that is sold to the retail market.


Porto Alegre/RS: +55 (51) 3232.3729
Farroupilha/RS: +55 (54) 3634.2608
Urussunga/SC: +55 (48) 3465.0038
Bom Princípio/RS: +55 (51) 2500.5010

E-mail: contato@mercoaves.com.br